
Производитель и поставщик профессиональных строительных/домашних декоративных пленок и цветных виниловых рулонов

Создание солнцезащитных пленок
Строительная солнцезащитная пленка Kunlin обеспечивает энергоэффективность, постоянный комфорт, защиту от ультрафиолета, эстетическую привлекательность, большую конфиденциальность и впечатляющую рентабельность инвестиций.
Солнцезащитная пленка для современных зданий — это экономически эффективная и необходимая технология для улучшения внешнего вида и комфорта, снижения затрат на электроэнергию, а также защиты конфиденциальности, взрывобезопасности стекла и т. д.
Строительная пленка Kunlin ориентирована на быструю окупаемость и высокую вероятность успеха благодаря простоте установки.
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Modern one way series

●  Metalized coated in one side as mirror look, excellent for heat rejection and glare reduction
● Outside glass shows mirror effect, provides great privacy during daytime only. At night can see  through.
It is an affordable glass upgrade that enhances buildings in any climate, costing just a fraction of full window replacement. 
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Optical color aesthetics series

●  The tinting options range from clear to highly reflective, and everything in-between.
● Powerful ready models, durable specification that can also enhance appearance inside or outside
 Low cost, fastest improved building new appearance and occupant disruption during installation
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Total block lights series

● Specifically designed with light-proof technology to ensure that no light leaks through extreme thin film

Reject 100% of UV , 100% of VL and 100% of IR. Prevents fading interior furnishings. 

● Typical use in some situation like chemistry lab, privacy apartment, freezer warehouse

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Transparent explosion proof series

● Best shatterproof pet material, high transparent, not affect appearance
● Strong adhesive, removeable adhesive, no any glue problem, easy to inastll
● 2mil, 4mil, 8mil, 12mil for different cost and strength requirement.
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2 layer metallic coated series
● 2 silver layer structure, premium production technology to make
● Reduce more UV rays transmission and glare, better privacy protection
● Extra dark and reflective to create a mirror-like appearance while reducing cooling costs during the summer through effective heat rejection.
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Other series
Special design Window Solar film
● Accept custom design
● Other solutions
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