Výrobce a dodavatel profesionálních stavebních/domácích dekorativních fólií a barevných vinylových rolí
Transparent / Black Car PPF roll
Usage : It strengthens car's paint, TPU PPF is more durable and flexible than other vinyl films. It does not lift and is less likely to cause long-term damage to the paint.
Research Team: It was developed by our polymer material team of Academy of Sciences.
Supply: We have the whole industry supply chain from research and development, procurement, production and supply, mounting and after-sales integration.
Quality: With more than 20 years of technology accumulation in the field of polymer films and more than 10 years of experience in polymer film production, product performance fully meets the quality standard of Europe and America! And it was proved after Chinese extreme environment verification of the south of high temperature and the north of extreme cold snow and ice weather. It's strong stretchability, acid rain resistance, oxidation resistance, scratch resistance and biological memory repair capabilities, and small scratches can self-repair when heated.
Material: The base material is selected from US Brand TPU and JP adhesive glue, same origin as imported big brands.
See samples of installation
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